ship construction RE 36 hull steel plate sheet stockist in China

ship construction RE 36 hull steel plate sheet stockist in China

Compared with ship construction RE 36 hull steel plate, ordinary steel plate, ship plate has better resistance to wind and wave. In the ocean, there are often big winds and big waves. If the performance advantage of ship plate is not prominent, it is easy to be damaged by big waves. The service life of ship plate is longer than that of ordinary steel plate. Because of its excellent performance, the ship plate can be used for a long time. Some waste ships can remove the ship plate for recycling. The price of ship plate is higher than ordinary steel plate.

Magnetic particle flaw detection is only suitable for detecting surface defects, which means that by laying magnetic powder on the surface of the equipment and using its aggregate shape on the surface defects of the magnetic material equipment to determine the position, size and shape of the defect. This ship construction RE 36 hull steel plate method has a relatively low cost and is easy for steel production enterprises to adopt in batches. However, for special steel profiles with deeper thickness, whether this method is used to detect hidden defects is yet to be verified.

Tianjin warehouse mainly stores steel plates and steel pipes. The monthly replenishment is about 12000 tons. Our inventory cycle is short and flexible. Shanghai warehouse mainly stores ship construction RE 36 hull steel plate ,steel plate and section steel. The average monthly purchase volume is about 15000 tons. The geographical location of the warehouse has greatly improved our performance in terms of transportation and delivery time.

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