Heat treatment of ABS DH32 hull steel material steel

Heat treatment of ABS DH32 hull steel material steel

Marine steel is widely used in all kinds of ships and offshore platforms, but it also puts forward higher and higher requirements for marine steel. In general, the demand share of ABS DH32 hull steel material high-strength marine steel continues to increase. In terms of strength requirements, with the change of ship's large-scale, safety and coating specifications, the general trend is that the consumption of ordinary strength grade A marine steel plate is gradually reduced, and the consumption of high-strength marine steel plates is increased.

The company's main steel plates have twelve types of steel products like boilers and pressure vessels, low-alloy high-strength steel ABS DH32 hull steel material, wear-resistant steel plates, corrosion-resistant steel plates, high-rise building structural steel plates, marine structural steel plates, alloy structural steel plates, mold steel plates, carbon structural steel plates, shipbuilding and steel plates for oil production platforms, composite steel plates, steel plates for oil and gas pipelines. We offer various steel grades, and more than 300 kinds of thickness specifications.

Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the products against the competitive ABS DH32 hull steel material products. Understand the industry situation and future trend. Understand the product brand positioning appeal point, focus on the crowd and development direction. Understand the layout of each market area, and form a big strategic layout view. Understand the basic operation and assessment standards of work responsibilities. Understand the situation of the cooperative customers.

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