Material LR AH40 shipbuilding structural plate Chemistry

Material LR AH40 shipbuilding structural plate Chemistry

Delivery status: Hot-rolled LR AH40 shipbuilding structural plate steel In the hot-rolled state or controlled rolling state or heat treatment, the state of delivery, cold-rolled steel to the annealing state of delivery.

The company's business philosophy: customer satisfaction is the most important measure of our work performance; employees are the company's most important wealth; the improvement of employees' quality and professional knowledge is the growth of the company's wealth; employees' welfare and living standards are the concrete embodiment of the company's business performance; product and service quality are the lifeblood of the company's development; brand is the company's products and A mirror of service; recognition of the market is the foundation of the company's survival.

Primary processing, steel plate cutting processing cutting method, it is a flame cutting, because it to the accuracy requirement of the cutting size is not very high, the thickness of the LR AH40 shipbuilding structural plate plates in a certain range can be a good cutting quality and cutting effect, and the cut surface can be very smooth, however, it is important to note that in this work, is the need to pay attention to steel plate deformation at high temperature.

Offshore steel plate and angle steel bars product LR AH40 shipbuilding structural plate online 10*1800*10800, 12*2030*6100, 10*2130*5770, 12*1680*9340, 13*2010*7390, 11*1960*7040, 11*1520*9160, 12*1680*8050, 11*1950*11320, 14.5*1980*5300, 12*1650*11380, 14*1700*9200, 15*1710*9640, 12*2090*6450, 13*1580*11460, 12.5*2145*10360, 12.5*1990*5550, 11*1800*8800, 11*2080*11140, 12.5*2060*7410, 14*1580*5980, 15*1830*6350, 14.5*1660*5000, 16*2000*10000.

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